​“花露水”千万别译成“Six God”

“花露水”千万别译成“Six God”



有人将六神花露水翻译为“Six God”,这个喜感又神秘的名字颇得国人喜爱。

但人家其实有官方英文名:Liushen Florida Water

Liushen 是品牌名,florida water是什么?


Florida Water is an American version of Eau de Cologne, or Cologne Water. It has the same citrus basis as Cologne Water, but shifts the emphasis to sweet orange (rather than the lemon and neroli of the original Cologne Water), and adds spicy notes including lavender and clove. The name refers to the fabled Fountain of Youth, which is said to be located in Florida, as well as the "flowery" nature of the scent.

Florida Water 是美国版的科隆水(一种德国产的淡香水)。它与科隆水具有相同的柑橘成分,但将重点香氛换成甜橙(而不是原版科隆水里的柠檬和橙花),并添加了包括薰衣草和丁香在内的刺激味道。Florida Water这个名字来自传说中位于佛罗里达的青春之泉,与这种香水含有“花香”气味也有关。

六神花露水翻译成Liushen Florida Water有入乡随俗的意思,外国人一看这个名字就懂得是用来做什么的。

如果不掺杂任何地域文化,花露水也可以翻译成mosquito repellent——驱蚊水。


Liushen Florida Water is China's favorite mosquito repellent.



网友统计,Six God产品的香味神似下面几款大牌。

六神花露水(冰莲香型) — 爱马仕尼罗河花园香水


六神冰芬香型— 宝格丽海洋男士香水


六神清爽祛味花露水(激情海洋) — 纪梵希海洋香榭男士香水


六神清爽祛味花露水(清怡铃兰)—CK one

六神清爽祛味花露水清怡铃兰(左)— CK one(右)








2016年,Global Times采访了几个被中国花露水拿下的外国人,来看看他们是怎么诚实交代自己为什么死都离不开神秘的东方力量的吧。

Liushen Florida Water takes off in the US


take off 开始迅速发展(或增长、活动)

"Achoo!" sneezed Alan Baker after smelling the liquid inside a "try me" bottle of Liushen Florida Water at a pharmacy(药店) in Beijing.


"The strong mint(薄荷) smell was quite unexpected. It was so refreshing as the gentle breeze brushed against my face," said Baker, a 36-year-old American designer, recalling his first trip to China in 2011. When he discovered that the Chinese brand of Florida Water can be used not only as perfume but also as bug spray, it opened a new door for him.


bug spray 喷雾杀虫剂

Since being launched in 1990 by Shanghai Jahwa United Co. Ltd, one of the oldest Chinese manufacturing companies, Liushen Florida Water has gradually become a household necessity in China.


household adj.家用的,家务的

necessity n.必需品

Celebrated among Chinese consumers for its various uses and cooling effect, Liushen, which means "six gods" in English, is now claiming its share of the international market.



share n.份额

Compared with Western brands of Florida Water that mainly provide a flowery fragrance, Liushen adds traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), endowing the product with medicinal properties, such as sterilizing and itch relieving capabilities. Apparently unaware of Liushen's mosquito-repelling function, foreigners use it in many different mind-boggling ways, including for headache or muscle pain relief, as perfume or aftershave, as a laundry sanitizer or even as a floor cleaner.


endow v.赋予

property n.性质,性能

sterilize vt.消毒,杀菌

mosquito-repelling 驱蚊

mind-boggling adj.令人难以置信的

aftershave 须后水

laundry sanitizer 洗衣消毒剂

Mosquito repellent properties


Influenced by the Western tradition of using Florida Water as cologne, many foreigners tend to mistake Liushen as a kind of perfume.


cologne 古龙香水

mistake v.把……误认为

Baker met a Chinese lady in her 20s who was in such a shock when she learned that he used it as a perfume that she stared with her mouth agape for some time.


in a shock 极度震惊状态

agape adv.目瞪口呆

Seeing him confused, she explained that almost every Chinese uses it to repel mosquitoes in the summer.


repel v.抵御,驱除

"Then it was my turn to be shocked," Baker said. "A bug spray with such a nice smell. What a strange yet wonderful combination."


In retrospect, Baker noted that he did get less bitten by mosquitoes that summer.


retrospect n.回顾,回想

Baker is not the only one who has benefited from Liushen as a mosquito repellent. For Rachel Somboon-Ball, the store manager for Oriental Mart, a Michigan-based grocery store in the US that has been selling the product for a few years, Liushen Florida Water is a godsend.


godsend n.天赐之物

"I always have issues with mosquitoes, so I tried it, and it worked nicely," said Somboon-Ball.


She learned about its mosquito repellent properties from her Chinese staff. "It seems to keep the bugs somewhat away and help ease the itchiness of the bites. [It also] smells a lot better than chemical bug spray."


Cold for most of the year, the summer months in Michigan tend to have a lot of mosquitoes and bugs. Its bug repellent properties make Liushen Florida Water a favorite among some of the health conscious consumers in the region. Somboon-Ball's store sells them for $4.49, although it costs only 12.5 yuan ($1.88) in China, and it even ran out of stock once.


run out of stock 已无库存

Expanded uses


Impressed with Liushen's mosquito-repelling properties, Baker decided to do a little research on the product. He was completely amazed at how Westerners have embraced the product and applied it to their daily lives.


apply v.应用,运用

"I saw many people using it for aftershave soothing(镇痛) and also in a spa, so after I shaved, I gave it a try," Baker said. "After using it, my skin, soothed by the cool water, felt very refreshed and comfortable."


It has also been explored as a product with an amazing cooling effect in the midsummer heat.


"The summer every year in Beijing was killing me. I did not want to use the air conditioner very often since I did not feel like paying that much for electricity," said Fred Waters, a man from New York who worked in China for five years prior to 2014.

“北京每年的夏天都让我难受。我不想经常使用空调,因为我不想花那么多钱买电费。”来自纽约的弗雷德·沃特斯说, 2014年之前,他曾在中国工作了五年。

air conditioner 空调

prior to 在……之前

With no other options, Waters was often drenched in sweat until one of his Chinese colleagues told him to fill his washbasin with water, drop some Liushen Florida Water in the water, moisten a towel in the water and use it to wipe down his body.


drench v.浸湿

washbasin n.脸盆

moisten / ˈmɔɪs(ə)n / vt.弄湿;使……湿润

wipe down 把……上下揩干净

"It worked for me," Waters said. "I even felt a little cold."


Inspired by the idea, Waters took it one step further.


"When I take a shower, after using the shower gel, I would use Liushen all over my body before rinsing it. That way, without the towel and all the wiping, the whole process would be much simpler, and I could feel equally cool and comfortable."


shower gel 沐浴露

rinse / rɪns / v.(用清水)冲洗

From then, Liushen became a necessity for Waters. He took 10 bottles with him when he left China. He kept up his supply by asking friends to bring him some when they traveled to China - that is until Liushen journeyed west.


journey v.旅行

"Fortunately, in recent months, it is easier to buy Liushen now in some drugstores in New York," he said.



Scent and memory


After learning that Liushen Florida Water can also be used to sterilize, relax muscles and relieve itchiness because of its TCM properties, Waters has found renewed respect for the product.


"How can a simple bug spray be able to do so many things all at the same time? Isn't that amazing?" he asked in awe.


in awe 敬畏地

Waters feels more secure knowing that Liushen contains TCM. According to him, for more and more Westerners, TCM equals effectiveness with fewer side effects.


side effects 副作用

"Haven't you heard? Even Michael Phelps is using the cupping therapy," he said.


cupping therapy / ˈkʌpɪŋˈθerəpi /拔火罐疗法

Waters is not only a huge fan of Liushen Florida Water but also a big supporter of other "made in China" products.


"Compared with the products made in my country, most of which are set for purely one purpose, many 'made in China' products can work in more than one way. The best thing is, they are not pricey at all, and Liushen is a great example," said Waters.


pricey adj.过分昂贵的

His likes Liushen not only for its many functions but also for its scent, which brings back many happy memories of life in China.


During the five years when he lived in Beijing, he used Liushen Florida Water every summer. In those free summer afternoons, he and some friends would always gather in his room in hutong filled with Liushen's special fragrance, eating Chinese snacks, drinking beer and having a blast.


have a blast 狂欢一番

Although Waters has returned to the US, he still uses Liushen, and not only in summer. He uses it in a bath because he likes to bathe himself in the water filled with Liushen scent.


"Lying in the bathtub, I would always think of my Chinese colleague who told me how to use Liushen in the first place, my friends and the fun we had together," Waters said.


"It carries a lot of old memories, and that is my Chinese-flavored romanticism."


romanticism n.浪漫主义

文章来源:Globle Times









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